Scientific group life cycle

This model describes the dilemma of learning to code in research groups when the cost of learning to code depends on the relative number of coders and non-coders in the group.
Approximate Master Equations
Scientific Groups
Programming in Science

Algebraic model

There are research groups \(G\) with a number of non-programmers \(n\) and programmers \(p\). In a data-driven world, we assume that learning to code confer a large benefit to programmers over non-programmer such that \(\alpha << \beta\). There is a constant rate of influx of students who do not know how to learn to code in research groups \(\mu\). There is a cost of learning to code \(c(p,n)\), which depend on the number of programmers and non-programmers within group. We assume that programmers and non-programmers have different graduation rates, \(\nu_p\) and \(\nu_n\), with \(\nu_p > \nu_n\).

We model the group life cycle with the following master equation:

\[\begin{align*} \frac{d}{dt}G_{n,p} &= \mu(G_{n-1,p} - G_{n,p}) + \nu_n \Big((n+1)G_{n+1,p}-nG_{n,p}\Big) \\ &+ \Big[ \tau_g(n+1,p-1)(1-c(n+1, p-1)G_{n+1,p-1} - \tau_g(n,p)G_{n,p} \Big] \\ &+ \nu_p\Big((p+1)G_{n,p+1} - pG_{n,p} \Big) \\ &+ \tau_g(n+1,p)(1-c(n+1,p))G_{n+1,p} \end{align*}\]

Learning to code confers a collective benefits on individuals \(\tau_g(n,p; \alpha, \beta) \propto \frac{\bar{Z}_{n,p}}{Z_{n,p}}\), where

\[\log(Z_{n,p}) \sim \alpha * n + \beta * p\] \[\log(\bar{Z}_{n,p}) \sim \alpha (n-1) +\beta (c * p + (1-c)(p+1))\]

We can think of \(\bar{Z}_{n,p}\) as the potential benefits over \(Z_{n,p}\). Reorganizing the terms, we get:

\[\begin{align*} \log[\tau_g(n,p; \alpha, \beta))] &= \alpha (n-1) +\beta (c * p + (1-c)(p+1)) - \alpha * n + \beta * p \\ &= -\alpha + \beta(1-c) \end{align*}\]

Note that \(\tau_g\) ends up being a function of \(n, p\) through the cost function: \[c(n,p) = c_0*e^{-\frac{p}{n}}\]

You can explore both functions below:

\(p/n\) \(\Rightarrow\) / =

\(c(n,p)\) = (c=1 means that non-coders always fail to learn to code; c=0 means non-coders always succeed)

Non-programmers can still learn to code when \(p=0\) because of \(c_0\)

I woudl expect a bigger difference when we go from no prorammers in the team to one programmer

\(p/n\) \(\Rightarrow\) / =

\(c(n,p)\) = (c=1 means that non-coders always fail to learn to code; c=0 means non-coders always succeed)

Non-programmers can still learn to code when \(p=0\) because of \(c_0\)

I woudl expect a bigger difference when we go from no prorammers in the team to one programmer

\(p/n\) \(\Rightarrow\) / =

Julia model

function initialize_u0(;N::Int=20)
  N += 1 # add column for zeroth case
  G = zeros(N, N)
  for i=1:N, j=1:N
    G[i,j] = 1/(N*N)
  return ArrayPartition(Tuple([G[n,:] for n=1:N]))

μ  = 0.001   # inflow new students-non coders
νₙ = 0.01    # death rate non-coders
νₚ = 0.05    # death rate coders
α  = 0.01    # benefits non coders
β  = 0.1     # benefits coders
p  = [μ, νₙ, νₚ, α, β]

n = 9
u₀ = initialize_u0(N=n)
tspan = (0., 1000.)
c(n, i) = 0.95 * exp(-i / n) # cost function
τ(n, i, α, β) = exp(-α + β*(1 - c(n, i))) # group benefits

function life_cycle_research_groups!(du, u, p, t)

  G, N, P = u, length(u.x), length(first(u₀.x)) # Note that there can be no coders but not non-coders
  μ, νₙ, νₚ, α, β = p
  for n=1:N, i=1:P
    println("n:$(n), i:$(i), G.x[n][i]:$(G.x[n][i])")
    coder, non_coder = i-1, n-1   # we distinguish indices from actual values.
    du.x[n][i] = 0

    non_coder > 0 && ( du.x[n][i] += μ*(G.x[n-1][i]) )                # 1st term
    # for everybody
    # println("2: $(νₙ*non_coder*G.x[n][i])")
    du.x[n][i] -= νₙ*non_coder*G.x[n][i]
    # println("3: $(νₚ*coder*G.x[n][i])")
    du.x[n][i] -= νₚ*coder*G.x[n][i]

    # upper boxes don't exist 
    if i < P
      # non_coder > 0 && println("4: $(τ(non_coder, coder, α, β)*G.x[n][i] )")
      # We don't want to pass non_coder = 0 to τ()
      non_coder > 0 && ( du.x[n][i] -= τ(non_coder, coder, α, β)*G.x[n][i] )               # 4th term
      # println("5: $(νₚ*(coder+1)*G.x[n][i+1])")
      du.x[n][i] += νₚ*(coder+1)*G.x[n][i+1]  # 5th term
    # the bottom boxes don't exist
    if n < N
      # println("6: $(μ*G.x[n][i])")
      du.x[n][i] -= μ*G.x[n][i]                                       # 1st term
      du.x[n][i] += τ(non_coder+1, coder, α, β)*(c(non_coder+1, coder))*G.x[n+1][i]     # 6th term
      du.x[n][i] += νₙ*(non_coder+1)*G.x[n+1][i]                                            # 2nd term
      coder > 0 && ( du.x[n][i] += τ(non_coder+1, coder-1, α, β)*(1-c(non_coder+1, coder-1))*G.x[n+1][i-1] ) # 3rd term 

